So far it looks as though this winter won’t be as bad as the previous two (I hope I’m not tempting fate!). Catching fish in January was not possible in the last two winters, lets hope the mild weather continues.
Once the Spring arrives I intend to become a “Rixton Regular” targeting the Tench, Bream and of course the Pike. Reading the last two years catch reports in “Franks Column“, the end of March seems to be when Rixton comes alive again!
Once April arrives I’ll give the successful “walk trolling” method another try on the Bridgewater Canal for the Pike, .
I hoping once the New season on the rivers opens, to get back to fishing rivers, it’s something I’ve neglected for a few years now, Trotting a float was something I used to enjoy when I lived in Stockport, fishing the River Tame.
A few hours after work on The Bollin at Bowden is something I can do, and I intend too.
I’d like to fish The Wide Hole on the Macclesfield Canal once again, I’ve had some wonderful sessions there in previous years, but I haven’t fished it for several years. The Pike in the Wide Hole were plentiful and very good sport, The Wide Hole also contains a good head of Bream.
After seeing some of the Pictures, and talking to some of the anglers who have caught the Pike in the Mersey, I’m certainly going to give the Mersey a try, not only for the Pike but all the rest of the course fish that must be in the river, I think Ledgering will be the method, I think my John Wilson Quiver Tip Rod will be my weapon of choice!
I’ll try to get a few sessions on Cicily Mill, how can you describe the “mill” it’s beautiful, and it has the advantage of having two feet of water and four feet of fish! What a place.
Most of my fishing will be within 15 miles of home, I don’t like driving home after fishing, but I have a thought, of getting a couple of weekends away, in my folding camper, staying on campsites that either have lakes on site, or boarder a river. To me I can’t think of a more perfect weekend!
To all the followers of my blog and to the occasional visitors I hope you have a wonderful 2012.

Once the Spring arrives I intend to become a “Rixton Regular” targeting the Tench, Bream and of course the Pike. Reading the last two years catch reports in “Franks Column“, the end of March seems to be when Rixton comes alive again!
Once April arrives I’ll give the successful “walk trolling” method another try on the Bridgewater Canal for the Pike, .
I hoping once the New season on the rivers opens, to get back to fishing rivers, it’s something I’ve neglected for a few years now, Trotting a float was something I used to enjoy when I lived in Stockport, fishing the River Tame.
A few hours after work on The Bollin at Bowden is something I can do, and I intend too.
I’d like to fish The Wide Hole on the Macclesfield Canal once again, I’ve had some wonderful sessions there in previous years, but I haven’t fished it for several years. The Pike in the Wide Hole were plentiful and very good sport, The Wide Hole also contains a good head of Bream.
After seeing some of the Pictures, and talking to some of the anglers who have caught the Pike in the Mersey, I’m certainly going to give the Mersey a try, not only for the Pike but all the rest of the course fish that must be in the river, I think Ledgering will be the method, I think my John Wilson Quiver Tip Rod will be my weapon of choice!
I’ll try to get a few sessions on Cicily Mill, how can you describe the “mill” it’s beautiful, and it has the advantage of having two feet of water and four feet of fish! What a place.
Most of my fishing will be within 15 miles of home, I don’t like driving home after fishing, but I have a thought, of getting a couple of weekends away, in my folding camper, staying on campsites that either have lakes on site, or boarder a river. To me I can’t think of a more perfect weekend!
To all the followers of my blog and to the occasional visitors I hope you have a wonderful 2012.

Best Wishes Lawrence Pearson.