Monday 26 December 2011

Changed the Quiver Tip on My New Telescopic Feeder Rod

My new Browning Ambition Tele Feeder Rod came with a spare Quiver tip which is a softer tip than the one fitted to the rod. I wanted the softer tip so I decided to change it, which wasn't too difficult, First I heated up the tip ring using a candle, on the tip that was fitted to the rod and slid off the Tip ring, then slid off the remaining rings, which were the sliding type. After extending the rod I unscrewed the end cap on the Handle, tipped the rod up and the tip slid out. Then I took the unglued tip ring off the spare Tip and slid off the sliding rings,the slid the tip through the end of the Handle until it popped out of the top section, then pushed on the sliding rings and fitted the tip ring using Hot Melt Glue, then re screwed the cap to the end of the Handle, Job done, writing it down sounds complicated, but it isn't!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha its just one of them things that is not easy to into words, Done it myself in the past and you can probably do the job quicker than you can write about it,
    All the best lpp,
